Now or never

Today feels like the first day of school. After a 2-week break, we return to our regular weekly class schedule. Boot Camp starts tomorrow, as well as the Foundations Course for beginners. And I’m back from traveling. We organized our trip in reverse from the...

Grit, grind & gratitude

You know when you hear something for years, and you don’t quite know if it’s for real ? You hear it so many times, you start to wonder if it just might be true. At some point, I heard that Mr. Iyengar said something along the lines of this: Yoga teachers learn so much...

Short (and potent) yoga sequence

I’ve been teaching these 2 poses in most of my classes lately — and assigning them as homework.  With so many of you interested in home practice, this post will help you get started. Advanced Iyengar teacher Lois Steinberg gave me the idea, and I wanted to...

When resistance shows up

Awesome!  You’re off to a good start, tuned into your willpower and tapping your toes to the sound of your own success! Then, BOOM! He shows up. Resistance. After your rah-rah-rah moment of starting something cool. After the flush of endorphins have flooded the...


By Katherine Whitfield Baker About eight weeks ago, I found my way back to yoga after an eight year hiatus. Specifically, I found my way back to the same Tuesday evening class I once regularly attended at Evergreen Yoga Center, still held weekly from 6-7 p.m., still...