Today feels like the first day of school. After a 2-week break, we return to our regular weekly class schedule. Boot Camp starts tomorrow, as well as the Foundations Course for beginners.

And I’m back from traveling.

We organized our trip in reverse from the ways we’ve done it in the past. In previous years, the first week is about doing something active/fun. And we always spend the second week resting.

A couple of years back, we spent a week in Portland, Maine seeing the sights of the city. Then the following week in a remote cabin in Bar Harbor.

This year, the first few days found us at a Greer’s Ferry Lake cabin. Nothing to do but watch the lake, read, play Scrabble. I didn’t expect to like the quiet and rest. I thought it would be lonely but it wasn’t. The focus was on “not doing.” After several hectic months, I thought it would take time to wind down. It turns out, I’m a good “wind-er down.” As for the yoga, my focus was inversions. I balanced in Headstand in the middle of the room for the first time in a very long time.

After a day at home, we headed off to Florida where I grew up. Visiting my mom, who made me swear not to do anything fancy for her 80th birthday. We took her to dinner at one of her favorite places, where the wait staff sang to her. None of us mentioned her birthday so it was a mystery as to how they knew. Later we discovered they overheard us talking about her birthday, and she opened her present right at the table. Of course they knew!

She was a good sport, and it was a lovely evening.