Jaime Flowers & celebrate12!

Jaime Flowers is one of 12 students sharing their yoga experiences in honor of Evergreen Yoga’s 12th birthday. I hope these stories energize you to keep growing, trying new things, and watching what happens. Happy reading! Jaime Flowers Q&A with Jaime: How...

Angie Wallick and celebrate12!

Welcome to our online birthday party called celebrate12! Angie Wallick is one of 12 students who are sharing their yoga stories with you as part of our celebration. We hope the stories will energize you to keep growing in your yoga practice, to try new things, and see...

Restorative Yoga

I’ve gotten some questions about restorative yoga, and I thought you might have some too, so here goes…. What is Restorative Yoga? Technically, by it’s very nature, all yoga should be restoring. As in, practicing yoga restores your connection to...

Sticks and stones…

“I don’t embrace the stigma of that title,” he said. Twenty years my junior, he’s clearly pondered the word “millennial.” I felt the heat of embarrassment the moment I handed him my business card. I asked him, “How do millennials exchange contact info these...

Susannah & Kevin Barton celebrate12!

  What do you get when you add up the following? 5:45am boot camp The Barton’s = FUN! Susannah & Kevin are among the early-morning adventurers who attend the Barefoot Boot Camp classes on Mondays & Thursdays. Kevin also comes to the Monday night...