I’m excited to share that our wonderful yoga teacher, Karla Ingram, has opened up about her own experiences with yoga. I asked her five questions, and over the next couple of newsletters we will share her responses. I hope her insights inspire you as much as they inspired me. Let’s dive into the first question and see where this journey takes us together!
What made you try yoga as a beginning student?
The first class immediately spoke to me. I had never heard of Iyengar Yoga but when I saw how methodical and precise it was, my tidy organized soul knew I had found my brand of yoga. The extreme focus on the alignment of the body to facilitate safe movement and maximum effective benefits, helped me take my mind out of the spinning corporate wheel and back into my life and my body. This was just the catalyst I needed to make healthy changes in my life, and yoga continues to improve my body and life in a multitude of ways. At the time, I was in a high stress job, living with high levels of anxiety, my father was dying slowly of a brain tumor and my personal life was a mess. My therapist suggested that I begin mindful practices to manage it all and she gave me the name of yoga studios to check out. The first studio I checked out was Eastern Sun Yoga. The owner, Lou Hoyt, had been an instructor since the 1980s so I figured she knew her stuff.
What kept you interested in yoga practice over time?
The Rewards. Iyengar Yoga has the best rewards program ever! The more I practiced, the more I felt at home in my body….MORE TO COME.