Kquvien Deweese, awesome Iyengar Yoga teacher, is teaching a workshop in beautiful Savannah, GA.  My friend, Jann Boyer, is sponsoring the workshop.

The Yoga Co-Op of Savannah Presents
November 12-13, 2011
About Kquvien:
Kquvien DeWeese brings great intensity and awareness into basic poses, and leads you to explore more complex poses with confidence.  Her classes are disciplined, challenging, and creative, and infused with lessons from the Sutras.  Kquvien teaches regularly in Atlanta and Decatur.   She is certified at the Intermediate Jr II level in the Iyengar system.  Kquvien has studied with the Iyengars at their institute in Pune, India, most recently in June-July, 2011.

About the workshop and registration:
Register online at www.yogacoopsavannah, or complete the form on the reverse and mail to Yoga Co-Op of Savannah, 2424 Drayton St, Savannah, GA 31401
All three sessions $115, or purchase individaul sessions:
Saturday, Nov 12   11:00 am – 1:30 pm         $50
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm                        $40
Sunday, Nov 13      8:30 – 10:30 am                 $40
6 months yoga experience required

______                        Workshop Package $115
______                        Saturday morning       11:00 am – 1:30 pm   $50

______                        Saturday afternoon     3:00 – 5:00 pm            $40

______                        Sunday morning          8:30 – 10:30 am          $40

Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Alt. Phone ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ________________
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Enroll online at www.YogaCoopSavannah.com, or make checks payable to Yoga Co-Op of Savannah and mail with completed registration form (above)  to: Yoga Co-Op of Savannah, 2424 Drayton St, Unit B, Savannah, GA 31401
For more information contact: Jann Boyer, 832-527-6588 (note area code!), JannAnaYoga@gmail.com, or the Co-Op 912-376-3188, info@yogacoopsavannah.com