“I don’t embrace the stigma of that title,” he said.

Twenty years my junior, he’s clearly pondered the word “millennial.”

I felt the heat of embarrassment the moment I handed him my business card. I asked him, “How do millennials exchange contact info these days?” I asked.

He did not take kindly to my labeling him. But, with all the technology these days, offering a piece of paper to slip into someone’s pocket seemed passe.

At nearly 50, I am an antique? No – but, well, I do need guidance.

His take on the millennial moniker interests me. I hope he calls, emails, texts, or PM’s me to set up a lunch meeting so I can ask him about it.

An anecdote from my life.

Write. Write. Write.

Maybe it will be called a blog. Then again, maybe not. I do not know what I hope for with it.

He says write, write and write some more. Write badly. Just write. So….writing.

I hope it helps me get free from thinking about an “audience” reading my words. Thinking about what would sound good, might persuade, what could make me look good. I’m tired of trying too hard. Wanting to be real, even thought “being real” is too-often used these days. It is a cliche.

That reminds me of the words that lately I hate hearing:
“These days….”

“What they ought to do is….”

“The problem with our culture is….”

“Nowadays….(this one hearkens back to an even older era than “these days”)

“They used to blah blah blah, and that was much better than how they are doing it now….”

“Ugh, millenials (insert eye roll here)”

The irony of my cringing at hearing these things is that I often hear the words coming from my own mouth! Yes, I’m aware that I’m a hypocrite on this one.

I do have an excuse. It’s hard to live with concern/worry for the future, and stay hopeful/positive at the same time. It’s not easy to try and embrace new ideas and new ways of doing things….and the people (i.e. millenials and others) who are doing them. Sticks and stones may break the bones, but labels?